Customer Testimonials

A Must Have By N Berg

The ambulance service I work for keeps this particular guide on board all its 'rigs.' Granted, referencing information takes a bit of practice. That aside, it's been invaluable to me as a paramedic. In particular the segments on overdose symptoms & treatment thereof. It's also come in handy when patients list prescriptions with which I'm not completely familiar. I personally prefer this reference to the Nurses' Drug Handbook or Mosby's Drug Guide
(Categories - drdrug, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, drdrug2017-15, drdrug2018-16, rndiseases6, drdrug2019-16, firstaid-s1-2019, drdrug2020-16, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, drdrug2020-17, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, drdrug2021-17, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, drdrug2022-17, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Excellent By M Santos

Excellent updated information, easy to handle, easy to look up using the index. A must for the internal medicine specialist or resident.
(Categories - drdrugs, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, drdrug2017-15, drdrug2018-16, rndiseases6, drdrug2019-16, firstaid-s1-2019, drdrug2020-16, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, drdrug2020-17, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, drdrug2021-17, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, drdrug2022-17, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Davis drug guide is my choice of drug guide and serves me and my patients well. By Phil Eckles, D.O

Davis drug guide is just a great resource. From dosing, to adverse reactions, interactions, availability; it is all there. Being able to calculate dosing with the integrated calculators really saves time and diminishes risk of error. This is my choice of drug guide and serves me and my patients well.
(Categories - drdrug, clinanes, clinane2, mednotes, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, clinanes7, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, drdrug2017-15, drdrug2018-16, rndiseases6, drdrug2019-16, firstaid-s1-2019, drdrug2020-16, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, drdrug2020-17, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, drdrug2021-17, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, drdrug2022-17, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Skyscape resources on iPhone - a worthwhile investment for any medical professional! By Andrew Schuman, M.D.

Skyscape takes full advantage of the iPhone's touch interface to provide a comprehensive library of the best medical resources available today.

All resources are readily accessible via a simple and easily navigated main screen. Important information is found quickly with a minimal amount of
(Categories - 5-mincc, tabers20, drdrug, harrisons, clinconstl5b, tabers21, 5min-cc, clinanes, clinane2, mednotes, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, 5mcc11, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, 5mcc12, 5mcc13, harrisons18, tabers22, 5mcc14, 5mcc15, clinanes7, ddxsamed2, 5mcc16, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, 5mcc17, tabers23, harrisons19, 5mcc18, drdrug2017-15, 5mcc19, drdrug2018-16, rndiseases6, drdrug2019-16, firstaid-s1-2019, drdrug2020-16, harrisons20, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, drdrug2020-17, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, drdrug2021-17, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, tabers24, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, drdrug2022-17, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Products on Blackberry & iPhone and excellent customer service makes Skyscape products blow away Epocrates product By Derek Diaz, 1LT, PA-C

Thanks so much. I was pretty happy with the product on Blackberry. On the IPhone, this product is amazing. but your service has pushed it over the edge! I am impressed with rapid response and excellent customer care. This platform & service blows away Epocrates and is allowing me to leave behind my cheat books in clinic. You are all amazing!
(Categories - drdrugs, 5-mincc, icd9, labs360, lifesupport360, mobileddx, clinconstl5b, 5min-cc, clinanes, clinane2, mednotes, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, 5mcc11, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, 5mcc12, 5mcc13, 5mcc14, 5mcc15, clinanes7, ddxsamed2, 5mcc16, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, 5mcc17, mobileddx4, 5mcc18, drdrug2017-15, 5mcc19, drdrug2018-16, rndiseases6, drdrug2019-16, firstaid-s1-2019, drdrug2020-16, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, drdrug2020-17, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, medsurgnurcertqa, adultgeripg2, willendo14, drdrug2021-17, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, drdrug2022-17, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

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