Customer Testimonials

Very helpful for daily practice and a superb program! By Sunto Lim

This reference is very helpful for daily practice. I must say that it is a superb program
(Categories - pockmed, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, pockmed4, pockmed5, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

I strongly recommend Skyscape products because I have felt supported when I have needed fast information By Jaime Fuentes

I have 5 Skyscape products which are very useful in my everyday practice as a spanish speaker anesthesiologist. In particular, this dictionary has helped me (and my patients in extension) when I have needed to take care of english speakers patients.
I strongly recommend Skyscape products because I have felt supported when I have needed fast information (clinical, drugs, diagnosis, etc.)
(Categories - stedmnse3, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, stedmnse4, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Skyscape products are the BEST with amazing functionality and flexibility for my practice By Asad Khan

Skyscape products are great and have amazing functionality and flexibility. Two thumbs up for their easy to use and update functionality. One thing is for sure that you might get hang ups with any other software but would never face any hang ups or conflicts with Skyscape products. These products surely help me alot with my practice.
(Categories - cardioconstlb, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

RxDrugs - An excellent application! By Santiago Silva

RxDrugs is an excellent application. I can't imagine being with your applications.
(Categories - rxdrugs, mednotes, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Skyscape has amazing applications. Keep up the good work Skyscape! By Ahmed Tolpe

Applications are Rapid, Accurate and To-The-Point. Keep up the good work Skyscape!
(Categories - hospmedi, clinanes, clinane2, mednotes, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, clinanes7, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

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