Customer Testimonials

Thank u Skyscape By Mohamad Salahie

you're adding another "Extra-Star" on your professional way in delivering the best updated and reliable medical resource not only for doctors but also students,nurses and all people working in the medical field .... Thank u so much ,,,, I believe that u deserve to be the best medical site all over , thank u so much Skyscape , I believe and trust in you..... Thank u USA ....
(Categories - 5mcc11, 5mcc12, 5mcc13, 5mcc14, 5mcc15, ddxsamed2, 5mcc16, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, 5mcc17, 5mcc18, 5mcc19, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Consider me a Skyscape believer! By mohammed alsaiary

A solid PDA medical data base that is easy and intuitive to use. Consider me a Skyscape believer
(Categories - 5mcc11, 5mcc12, 5mcc13, 5mcc14, 5mcc15, ddxsamed2, 5mcc16, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, 5mcc17, 5mcc18, 5mcc19, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Another wonderful product from skyscape... By Shoaib Iqbal

5MCC is a wonderful product for healthcare professionals.
(Categories - 5mcc11, 5mcc12, 5mcc13, 5mcc14, 5mcc15, ddxsamed2, 5mcc16, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, 5mcc17, 5mcc18, 5mcc19, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

When needing rapid reference for primary care information, this is THE tool every PCP should have. By Ernesto Tesoro, M.D.

As a long time user of the book version of 5MCC, I recently purchased an iPhone and outfitted it with Skyscape software. This title is excellent; but even more useful with being portable and more accessible than ever. The implementation, with images, flowcharts and calculators makes this title all the more usable.

When needing rapid reference for primary care information, this is THE tool every PCP should have.
(Categories - 5min-cc, clinanes, clinane2, mednotes, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, 5mcc11, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, 5mcc12, 5mcc13, 5mcc14, 5mcc15, clinanes7, ddxsamed2, 5mcc16, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, 5mcc17, 5mcc18, 5mcc19, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

5mincc is a valuable tool! By Rafael Quiroz

5mincc is a valuable tool. I am currently working in an Urgent Care and would not leave home without it.
(Categories - 5-mincc, clinconstl5b, 5min-cc, clinanes, clinane2, mednotes, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, 5mcc11, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, 5mcc12, 5mcc13, 5mcc14, 5mcc15, clinanes7, ddxsamed2, 5mcc16, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, 5mcc17, 5mcc18, 5mcc19, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, medsurgnurcertqa, adultgeripg2, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

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