Customer Testimonials

Very Handy! By D. Fields

Provides easy access to authoritative, up-to-date information.
(Categories - natstan, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

Great for Clinicians and Students! By Minney Varghese

It’s great to hear that this resource is now available in a handheld version! Natural Standard is a great resource in general because of the easy to read layout, evidence table, and peer-reviewed and updated content. I know students and clinicians need to refer to this information often, but are not able to access a textbook or computer at all times. This handheld is perfect for answering questions and looking up things on the go!
(Categories - natstan, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

I use this DAILY in my personal practice as well as for resident teaching. By Tanmeet Sethi, MD, Swedish Providence Family Medicine Residency

In reference to Natural Standard, I use this DAILY in my personal practice as well as for resident teaching. I direct the integrative medicine curriculum and this reference is indispensable to me in that role. It is evidence based, up to date and complete. Our library could only be enhanced by acquiring such a reference tool. I have to say that I have been impressed with the PDA version. I am enjoying it because it gives me evidence-based information at hand if a patient asks a question I cannot answer.
(Categories - natstan, clinanes, clinane2, mednotes, cardiorev, icdpeds, glpc-lipid, glpc-cc, pharmflash, mobilnotes, icd9peds11, clinanes7, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, medsurgnurcertqa, adultgeripg2, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

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