Medicine for the Outdoors: The Essential Guide to First Aid and Medical Emergencies | Mobile App

6th Edition, an essential resource to have on a wilderness adventure, provides the traveler with recommendations for caring for fellow travelers medical emergencies.


Publisher: Elsevier, Inc.

6th Edition

Since 1986, Medicine for the Outdoors has been hailed as the definitive take-along manual on the subject. Packed with step-by-step instructions and how-to explanations, this updated edition tells you the best way to respond to just about any medical problem. Logically organized, simple-to-understand enhanced illustrations and an increased focus on new topics mean this medical reference book may literally save your life. Whether you’re venturing into mountains, deserts, forests, or out to sea, it belongs in your pack!

Key Features
  • Examine the most diverse and comprehensive coverage of medical conditions related to the outdoors.
  • Be guided through logical and complete explanations of every topic.
  • Enhance your understanding with descriptive material including numerous drawings and instructions.
  • Research recommendations for injury and illness prevention.
  • Locate answers quickly with a helpful comprehensive index.

"A comprehensive guide to basically anything that could go wrong, or needs to medically managed whilst in out and about." Reviewed by: Dr Stevan R Bruijns, Senior Lecturer in Emergency Medicine at University of Cape Town Date: July 2015

ISBN 10: 0323321682

ISBN 13: 9780323321686
