Respiratory Notes: Respiratory Therapist's Pocket Guide | Mobile App

Based on 2nd Edition - procedure-based format, all the respiratory therapy information you need at your fingertips.


Publisher: F. A. Davis Company

2nd Edition

Respiratory Notes: Respiratory Therapist's Pocket Guide a quick-reference tool that put all the respiratory therapy information you need at your fingertips. The procedure-based format includes supporting illustrations, fill-in-the-blank forms, and algorithms to help you study and guide you in practice.

Key Features
  • Bullet-point reviews guide you through procedures.
  • Quick-scan illustrations and tables summarize data.
  • Algorithms are based on AARC Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  • Key forms allow you to gather data at the bedside, and then transcribe to conventional charts

New to this Edition
  • NEW! Pulmonary Disease and Airway/Ventilation Tabs
  • NEW! Comprehensive index
  • UPDATED! Procedures now organized around protocols

ISBN 10: 0803629222

ISBN 13: 9780803629226
